CATECO has made a
stand out work in the obtainment of new benefits for the Costa Rican Textile
Sector, among them:
CATECO has won a very important battle in the Costa Rican Parliament with
the approval of the Intellectual Property Law Project, that establishes
legal restrictions to any person and/or company that trades false merchandise
or labels. The Law was approved on October 5th, 2000.
CATECO has a special program with the Private Sector Umbrella Organization
(UCCAEP) for the coordination of workshops to motivate and improve the
Human Resources Area of the textile industries.
CATECO has established a data exchange system with the American Chamber
to ease the negotiations with the American Trade Commission.
CATECO impels its member companies to adopt the WRAP principles aimed
to optimize the working environment in the textile industry. WRAP principles
will be a basic requirement in Costa Rica in order to export apparel to
the USA.
CATECO made important contributions to achieve the removal of the Selective
Tax Consumption for textiles and apparel.